We are happy that you have decided or are considering starting a booking, joining our program in Nepal and experiencing real Nepal.Nepal Volunteers are happy to work with you to make your time a fulfilling and memorable experience.
Program Fee details -
Nepal Volunteers is a locally owned and managed non-governmental, social development organisation which aims to support the poorest and most vulnerable communities in Nepal. We are a small organisation, with no international organisational umbrella. This means that all the volunteer fees and funding are lower than many other organisations. The fees are invested directly into Nepal. Volunteering at Nepal Volunteers is not free, as we are partly reliant on volunteers’ fees to fund our projects. We are thankful to those who have been supporting us by taking part in our programs over the years. It is these volunteers that have been enabling us to make such massive changes to the lives of hundreds of disadvantaged women and children.
For fee details please go to this link -
Click Me!
volunteer fees include the following:
It includes all food , Accommodation with shared bathroom & Kitchen and shared room with separate bed ,free Wi-Fi Internet , Electricity , water ,cleaning and waste management
Accommodation - We have our own & our Members Family Farmers Homestay Houses almost in every Part of Nepal with Nepalese Normal single bedroom with clean blanket, bedsheet, pillow, mattress, and common bathroom with shower, Wi Fi internet, Electricity.
If you need more Luxurious than this you have freedom to add but with your own money.
If you need more than this you have full freedom to buy on your own
Visa & Others -
Visa and others are your own responsibility .We shall assist you with the documentation and processing wherever needed
volunteer fees does not include the following:
Bank Name :Laxmi Bank
Branch Name : Baglung
Account Number :05811001088
Bank Name :Laxmi Bank
Branch Name : Baglung
Account Number : 05811001097
Our Vision , mission , Goal ,Core Objectives are to help local farmers, youth entrepreneurs, women ,grassroot people, reduce poverty ,contribute to environment climate change, waste management ,education ,Public Health, employment, Technology ,Innovation ,Research ,Capacity building ,Marketing , Promotion ,Digitalization ,Sustainability , and our finding is that their main challenges are marketing , promotion ,branding & Visualisation , Also ,Our Local Nepalese youths Students dream to learn these special skills by considering our Volunteers & Interns as their Mentors by learning by doing & Learning by Making Mistakes Method " . We welcome international Volunteers & Interns to participate in these projects so that Our Local Youths and International Volunteers will make a big team and learn from each other .
As a Result of our IMPACT , School of Family Farming ( SAF ) , Urban Family Farmers Group ( UFC ) , Women & Youth Empowering Program ,Sponsor Family Farmers ,Stop Youth Migration ,Back To Nature ,CBT-Community Based Tourism ,Responsible & Sustainable Farming Program ,UN SDGs Zero Hunger ,Zero Waste ,Red Panda Conservation Project ( PCRC ) ,Livelihood & Natural Resource management Program ,SAF IT School , SAF School of Mentorship ,School of Employability Skills & Entrepreneurship ,SAF- Live Nepal Film Academy & Performing Arts ,SAF Gene Bank /Native Seed Bank & Resource Centre , SAF Insect Conservation & Breeding Centre ,SAF Helix & Heliculture , Dhorpatan Family FarmStay ,Farmers Market ( Commodity Market ) , Animal Husbandry & Plant Breeding Centre with Nursery & Green Project. Horticulture, Floriculture, Community Forest , Bird Conservation ,Permaculture Project ,Save the Soil and many more have been in progress as a result of our IMPACT.We are expecting more impacts to be continued with support of everyone .
If you want to be a part of Our IMPACTS then please contact us and let us explain to you how you can impact together with Nepal Volunteers ,Agripreneurs’ ,EcoHomeStay & SAF Nepal Actions.Everyone one is more than welcome! Every bit Counts !
All our Ongoing Projects ,Upcoming Projects ,Projects under R & D ( Research & Development ) , are wonderful projects and We are very flexible & open minded towards your involvement in any of our Projects such as -EcoHomeStay Nepal - CBT ( Community Based Tourism ) Project ,Technology Projects Such as SAF AgriTech ,BioTech ,Food Tech ,SAF I T ( Information & Technology ) ,Urban Family Farming ( UFC ) , Red Panda Conservation Project ( PCRC ) ,Recycle & Waste Management Project , SAF School of Employability Skills & Mentorship , Gene Bank & Native Seed Bank Projects , SAF - Live Nepal Film Academy , Conservation Project ,Wild Life & Livelihood Project ,Natural Resource Management , Permaculture, IPM & Natural Farming , Insect Conservation & Bird Conservation , Animal & Plant Breeding Project , Plant Pathology & Animal Husbandry plus Veterinarian Projects , Startup Seed Money Program ,SAF Helix & Heliculture Project , Sustainable Farming , Green Project - One Million Tree Challenge and so on .All these Projects are impact of Nepal Volunteers ,Agripreneurs ,EcoHomestay & SAF Nepal.
Please contact us if you want to get involved in any of our Projects or Programs ,We are more than happy to make your placement as per your requirement & best suited.Every bit counts ! Be the Change ! It starts from you !
If you want to know more about any of our Projects or Programs Please contact us ,We are more than happy to explain you the details.We are looking forward to get your involvement .We believe in togetherness ! see more
Statement of Problems
The root cause of Poverty in Nepal is lack of skills , lack of marketable education , lack of seed fund ,lack of market ,lack of skilled Human Resources , Lack of technology and so on .Agripreneurs' Nepal,SAF -UFC ,EcoHomeStay Nepal Volunteers’ therefore envisions offering skill development Training to youths , women & Local Farmers all over Nepal and running capacity building Programs throughout all 77 districts of Nepal . Also we help Entrepreneurs,Agripreneurs, Youths, Women and local farmers set up their local Commodity market and we engage them in micro-financial activities through their Farmers Cooperatives so that they could do the micro saving and get seed money from Local Farmers Cooperative and start their small enterprises . Also, this formed Farmers Cooperative gives market access to the local people mainly the farmers and Agripreneurs 'Nepal facilitate among all stakeholders so that we all together can help reduce poverty. Our EcoHomeStay Nepal Project conducts Rural Sustainable & Community Based Tourism -ST & CBT -UNWTO- Erasmus such as Family Homestay,Community HomeStay,Family FarmStay , Wellness Home , Permaculture , Meditation , yoga , which is helpful for family farmers & Rural Development of Nepal as well as it brings people from globe together to achieve their common goal together.
Why Agripreneurs' Nepal,SAF-UFC & EcoHomestay Nepal Volunteers ?
We seek to address the issues of environment, Climate Change, Agriculture, Wild, Red Panda, Birds, Forestation, Organic, Technology, Farmers Market, Innovation, Research, Youth & Women Empowering, Education & Children, Nutrition, Waste Management, Food & Public Health, Rural Development, Rural Tourism, literacy, poverty and gender imbalance by partnering with institutions and organisations and ensuring that the progress made is sustainable. EcoHomeStay Nepal, SAF Tech, School of Agribusiness & Urban Family Farming - SAF, UFC- Urban Family Farmers Cooperative and all stakeholders. Agriculture, Argo Tourism, Rural Tourism, Youth & Women Empowerment, Capacity Build up, Education & Skill Development, construction, health, environmental, educational and income generating projects throughout economically poor areas of Nepal. These projects provide opportunities for national and international Volunteers, Mentors, Intern, Software Developers, IT Engineers, Engineers, Agri Engineers, Bio- Technologists, Food Technologists, Archi-Tech, Veterinarian, Urban Agriculturists volunteer, Interns, Researchers, Innovators to assist in the development of Nepal. We also run a cultural exchange program, Nepali language and cultural classes, Mentorship, Internship, Fellowship, Volunteering, OJT, Practicum, Research, Innovation, Workshop, Training, Meditation, Yoga, Organic Farm Stay and a Ecohomestay program in Nepal.
We seek to address the issues of literacy, poverty, gender imbalance, Agriculture, Environment, Forestation, Technology, Unemployment, Youth & Women Empowerment, by partnering with institutions, organisations & Individuals and ensuring that the progress made is sustainable. We coordinate construction, health, environmental, educational and income generating projects throughout economically poor areas of Nepal. These projects provide opportunities for national and international Volunteer, Interns, Researchers, Innovators to assist in the development of Nepal. We also run a cultural exchange program, Nepali language and cultural classes Organic Farm Stay and a home stay program all over Nepal.
Volunteering, Internship Research, Innovation work in Nepal can be an extremely rewarding and life-changing experience. Your efforts can bring great changes in the lives of individual people and the wider community. This cannot be said enough. In the difficult times that Nepal is now facing, your contribution of time or resources is extremely valuable.
Why Are We Hiring Volunteers & Interns ?
Our Vision , mission , Goal ,Core Objectives are to help local farmers, youth entrepreneurs, women ,grassroot people, reduce poverty ,contribute to environment climate change, waste management ,education ,Public Health, employment, Technology ,Innovation ,Research ,Capacity building ,Marketing , Promotion ,Digitalization ,Sustainability , and our finding is that their main challenges are marketing , promotion ,branding & Visualization , Also ,Our Local Nepalese youths Students dream to learn these special skills by considering our Volunteers & Interns as their Mentors by learning by doing & Learning by Making Mistakes Method " . We welcome international Volunteers & Interns to participate in these projects so that Our Local Youths and International Volunteers will make a big team and learn from each other.
The main responsibility shall be collaborating with our Local Youths,farmers,women groups ,Entrepreneur's , and actively participate in the projects and task in time .Any of your skills can be of most value.
Any level of Degree or Education is fine but the Volunteers should have interest and desire to learn,sharing & Team Work.
Job Description
An online Orientation shall be provided through which we will be able to explain the specific job description .Please do not worry ! As we believe in Learning by doing & Learning by making Mistakes as well as Learning by Sharing .
Fresher & Learners !
If you are highly self motivated with the will power to take the challenge and learning by making mistakes and Learning by Doing then you can choose our Volunteer or Internship option for any role of your interest . Please contact us for further details about volunteer & Internship with us .
Working Hours
It requires flexible working hours so no hard rules apply . This is a Team work too ,so everyone shall have to remain happy with flexible and extra working hours and consider the work not as the work but Work as the Fun !
Program Fee - Please open this Link for detail about Registration Fee ,Program Fee ,Trekking Tour Fee Details -Click me!
Why Pay For Volunteering
As a potential intern/volunteer you need to understand that below is a list of reasons why a program fee is required and why pay for volunteering.
We envision creating jobs and contributing towards Nepal Rural Tourism ,Agro Tourism ,Sustainable Tourism ,Poverty, Unemployment, Conservation and Climate change, carbon footprint,Food Safety & Food Scarcity,Environment,Public Health and so on.Our vision is to contribute towards organic food, food security, cleaner, greener,digital and more sustainable organic Nepal through Agritech,TourismTech,EduTech Biotech, Foodtech, Fintech, Data Bank and more.
"जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी"
जन्मदिने आमा तथा जन्मभूमि स्वर्गभन्दा पनि प्यारो हन्छ.
महान ऋषि वाल्मिकीको यस मार्मिक, सान्दर्भिक, मर्मस्पर्शी ,राष्ट्रिय श्लोकलाई आत्मसात गर्दै SAF ,EcoHomestay को तर्फबाट
स्वागतम !
Tourism and Environment Promotion, Red Panda Conservation
पर्यटन र पर्यवरणको लागि Red Panda, Red Panda को लागि हामी !
Namaste from Ecohomestay Nepal.
We are a group of Technologists, Professionals & Experts who believe in learning and growing
together to achieve our common goal together.
We envision creating jobs and contributing towards Nepal Rural Tourism ,Agro Tourism ,Sustainable Tourism ,Poverty, Unemployment, Conservation and Climate change, carbon footprint,Food Safety & Food Scarcity,Environment,Public Health and so on.Our vision is to contribute towards organic food, food security, cleaner, greener,digital and more sustainable organic Nepal through Agritech,TourismTech,EduTech Biotech, Foodtech, Fintech, Data Bank and more.
Mission - " Cleaner ,Greener,Digital & More Sustainable Organic Nepal "
We believe in turning challenges into business opportunities and we also believe that problem solving can be a business opportunity.
Our mission statement - Cleaner, Greener, Digital and more sustainable Organic Nepal.
यिनै Goal ,Vision,Mission ,Core objectives achieve गर्न Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) अन्तरगत SAF Nepal तथा EcoHomeStay Nepal ले Rural Tourism ,CBT- Community Based Tourism ,Agro Tourism ,Sustainable Tourism ,Eco-Tourism , Food Tourism , Sports Tourism, Bird Tourism , Media ,Research & Entertainment Tourism ,Gastronomy Tourism ,Inno Tourism , Adventurous Tourism ,Dark Tourism , Birth Tourism, Pilgrimage Tourism ,Spiritual Tourism ,Research Tourism , Event Tourism ,Poverty & Charity Tourism , Cultural Tourism , Medical Tourism, Sports Tourism ,Homestay Tourism लगायत बहुआयमिक Rural Tourism को Promotion, Marketing,तथा Digitalization मा अबश्यक Technology को प्रयोग गरि कृषि तथा ग्रामिण पर्यटनको प्रमुख चुनौतिको रुपमा रहेको Marketing,Promotion,Management तथा Digitalization को चुनौती लाई Business Opportunities मा रुपान्तरण गर्ने प्रयास स्वरुप "EcoHomestay Nepal’ Initiative को तर्फबाट CO-FOunder & CEO म नम्रता आचार्य यहाहरुलाई स्वागत गर्दछु |
We believe in turning challenges into Business opportunities and we also believe that problem solving can be a business opportunity, अर्थात् नेपालको कृषिको बजार चुनौती र Rural Tourism को चुनौती लाई हामीले अवसरमा बदल्ने इक्क्षाशाक्तिका साथ Ecohomestay Nepal को सुरुवात गरेका छौ | देशको आर्थिक संकटको समाधान भनेको कृषि तथा पर्यटन नै हो , तर विडम्बना नै मान्नु पर्छ , नेपालका किसानहरुले बजार चुनौतीको सामना गर्नुपरेको तितो यथार्थ एकातिर छ भने नेपालको Rural Tourism ,कृषि पर्यटनको बाहक FarmStay तथा Homestay का संचालक तिनै Family Farmers हरु को समेत प्रमुख चुनौती पनि promotion र Marketing नै देखिन्छ |
Rural Tourism भनेको कृषिको बजारको समाधान हो भने , कृषि भनेको पर्यटन तथा देशको अर्थतन्त्रको मेरुदण्ड हो |
Tourism helps flow Consumers & encourage Consumers in consuming Goods & Services. Therefore Tourism is the key for every sectors.
United Nation ,FAO को factsheet लाई आधार मान्ने हो भने नेपालको कृषि तथा कृषि पर्यटन Family Farmers हरुमा आधारित छ र Family Farmers हरुको भबिष्य ,जीविकोपार्जन , आयआर्जन, आत्मनिर्भरता- Family Farmstay , Family HomeStay, Community Homestay ,Rural Tourism संग गासिएको छ |अझै पनि ८०-९०% किसान र Homestay संचालकहरु कुनै न कुनै रुपमा Family Farmers हरु हुन् |अन्नदेवता किसान तिनै Family Farmers हरु आफ्ना उत्पादन, श्रम, स्थानीय श्रोत साधन , प्राकृतिक श्रोत , संस्कृति ,सम्पदा ,Warm hospitality, गुन्द्रुक , ढिडो , सिस्नो, घोंगी , ढिकरि ,माछा , कालिज , Trout जस्ता स्थानीय परिकार सहितका Homestay हरुको बजार नपाएर लाखौ नेपालीहरु विदेशिनु परेको तितो यथार्थलाई मनन गर्ने हो भने हाम्रो नेपालको जल्दो बल्दो समस्याका रुपमा रहेको आर्थिक संकट, बेरोजगारी ,परनिर्भरता, Public Health लगायत देश समृद्धिको एकमात्र समाधान भनेको नेपालको Rural Tourism को Promotion र बजारीकरण नै हो | थोरै मात्रामा भएपनि नेपालको Commercial Tourism जसका सञ्चालक आफै Promotion र Marketing गर्न सक्षम छन् र पनि नेपाल सरकारका विभिन्न निकाय देखि OYO Brand जस्ताले समेत Commercial Tourism लाई मात्रै Promotion र Marketing गरेको देखिन्छ|प्रजातन्त्रसँगै नेपालको Tourism खुलेको झण्डै ५०-६० वर्ष हुदाँ समेत नेपालको Rural Tourism सत प्रतिसत ओझेलमा परेको देखिन्छ| धेरै पछाडि २०११ मा नाम मात्रको लागि भएपनि “होमस्टे संचालन कार्यविधि” जारी गरेको बाट पनि प्रष्ट हुन्छ कि नेपालको Rural Tourism को Promotion र Marketing जुन मात्रामा हुनुपर्ने हो त्यो भएको छैन|
Technology र Digital को यो युगमा Traditional Marketing र Promotion बाट मात्रै नेपालको Rural Tourism Promotion हुनसक्दैन | यसर्थ SAF तथा EcoHomeStay Nepal ले आफ्नो सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व वहन गर्दै "HomestayNepal" Mobile app तथा आबशयक Technology, Software, Digital promotion, Digital marketing को महत्वपूर्ण जिम्मेवारी वहन गर्दै Commercial Hotel को लागि OYO ले जसरि Digital platform निर्माण गरेको छ त्यसरी नै 'HomestayNepal' Mobile app ले नेपालका सम्पुर्ण Homestay ,Farmstay , Farmhouse का लागि Digital platform , Booking app , Homestay Management Software मार्फत नेपालको Rural Tourism लाई Promote गर्दै पूर्ण रुपले Digitalized गर्ने initiative को रुपमा Ecohomestay Nepal , नेपाल भरि का Family Farmers ,Family FarmStay ,Community HomeStay तथा Family Homestay हरुसंग हातेमालो गर्दै नेपालको Rural Tourism मार्फत देश समृद्धिको सपना साकार पार्न अगाडि बढेको छ |
पञ्चवर्षीय योजनामा पर्यटन क्षेत्रको अवस्था :
Scope of "EcoHomestay Nepal "
Social Impacts :
Economic Impacts :
Environment Impacts :
EcoHomestay का Beneficiaries र Stakeholders को को हुन् सक्छन :
EcoHomestay को Partner को को हुनसक्छन:
कृषि , प्रबिधि तथा पर्यटन व्यवसायमा आवद्ध, Homestay ,Farmstay , Farmhouse , Community Homestay , Organic Resort, Hotel तथा Restaurant, College, Hospital,Training Center , Nursery, Cooperatives , Marketing agency , आदि sector जसले देशमै बसेर देशको मुहार फेर्ने संकल्प गर्नुभयको छ उहाँहरु EcoHomestay Partner बन्न सक्नुहुन्छ |
EcoHomestay Partner ले पाउने सुविधाहरु :
तसर्थ यिनै सेवा सुबिधा प्राप्त गर्नुको साथै नयाँ कृषि मुलक व्यवसाय, पर्यटन व्यवसाय, Homestay,Farmstay आदि सुरु गर्न इच्छुक हुनुहुन्छ तर पूँजी ,लगानी , बजार , व्यवस्थापन चुनौती , Business plan को कमिको कारण सुरु गर्नु बाट रोकिनु भएको छ भने हजुरहरूको सम्पूर्ण चुनौतीको समाधान साथै सफल कृषि, पर्यटन व्यवसायी, उद्यमी बनाउने अपेक्षाका साथ EcoHomestay Tourism Project सुरुवात भएको छ |
"अतिथि देवो भव: "को नारा लगाउँदै हाम्रा नबिकेका Homestay ,Farmstay ,Farmhouse ,Organic resort , Hotel र Restaurant - CBT - Community Based Tourism , Rural Tourism ग्रामिण पर्यटन लाई Marketing , Promotion ,Management तथा Digitalization गर्ने उद्देश्यका साथ SAF Nepal को Tourism Project अन्तर्गत EcoHomestay मा जोडिएर आफ्नो, कृषि र पर्यटन क्षेत्रको विकास तथा समृधिका हातेमालो गर्दै अगाडि बढ्न अनुरोध गर्दछौ, यसरी नै यो नगरकोटको बास्तोला गाउँको नगरकोट सामुदायिक होमस्टे,इलामको श्रीअन्तु होमेस्टे,नवलपुरको अमलटारी homestay,लमजुङको भुजुंग homestay,स्याङ्जाको सिरुवारी ,बाग्लुंग जैमिनी को "Dhorpatan Family FarmStay जस्तै देशको 753 ओटै स्थानीय तहमा Family Farming ,Community Homestay ,Rural Tourisim कार्यक्रम अनुसरण गर्दै गराइदै Marketing ,Promotion,Digitalization गर्दै जान सकियो भने हाम्रो देश समृद्ध हुन समय लाग्दैन | Rural Tourism को यिनै Scope लाई मनन गर्दै हामी SAF Nepal को Tourism Project अन्तर्गत Ecohomestay Nepal मार्फत Rural Tourism को Marketing ,Promotion,Digitalization को लागि हातेतेमेलो गर्दै 'Ecohomestay Nepal' अभियान सुरु गरेको छौ |
आन्तरिक पर्यटन नै देश निर्माणको प्रमुख आधार हो ! “पर्यटन संगै उत्पादन, homestay संगै family farming , पर्यटन मात्र होइन ,कृषि-पर्यटन , उत्पादन र पर्यटन संग्संगै " नेपालको समृद्धिको मूल मन्त्र”
Namrata Acharya
Co-Founder & CEO
SAF & EcoHomestay, Nepal
आर्थिक संकटको समाधान
कृषि, पर्यटन ,प्रबिधि र पर्यावरण
कृषि मात्रै होइन कृषि पर्यटन ,
पर्यटन मात्रै होइन कृषि पर्यटन |
उत्पादन र पर्यटन संगसंगै !!
पर्यटनको लागि कृषि , कृषिको लागि पर्यटन
पर्यावरणको लागि पर्यटन ,पर्यटनको लागि पर्यावरण
हाम्रो लागि पर्यटन , पर्यटन को लागि हामी
स्वदेशी उत्पादन , आन्तरिक पर्यटन
देश निर्माणमा कृषि , पर्यटन, पर्यावरण
आन्तरिक पर्यटन लाई योगदान पुर्याऔ,
देश घुमघामको लागि Homestay / FarmHomeStay रोजौ
जय कृषि !
जय पर्यटन !
जय नेपाल !
हामीसंग सहकार्य तथा Partnership को लागि :
सम्पर्क न - 9862247321
Volunteering in Various Program & Projects
Join a once in a lifetime opportunity to contribute to the development of Nepal ! We assist with the development of Nepali communities through a diverse range of projects. Our projects aim at children, youth and women. Empowering these groups will create positive change in Nepal. To reach this goal, we place volunteers in schools, women or child care centers and monasteries. We have our projects in Kathmandu & all Over Nepal 77 districts & 753 Municipalities . Besides these projects, we offer volunteering and internship placements in various projects programs & Field.
What is included in volunteering?
As a volunteer, you will receive an introduction that includes Nepali lessons, sightseeing and we take you to your host family and workplace.
Why volunteer with us? As a volunteer you will have an amazing time with us as you: Will engage in the ongoing development process of Nepal Develop your personal and life skills Grow an understanding of the Nepali people, their language and culture Take part in local festivals, weddings, and visit small villages Immerse yourself in the spectacular natural beauty and surroundings of Nepal
Family Volunteering
On a family vacation, do you hope to create enduring memories? Family volunteering in Nepal is a wonderful way to strengthen relationships with your loved ones, expose your family to a new culture, and support international causes. There are many wonderful family volunteer programs available that would allow you to embark on an important adventure with your loved ones and improve society. For individuals who are passionate about sharing their family's talents and supporting underserved areas by doing something deserving for them, it is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. All family members can participate in the initiatives, which are created to provide abundant possibilities for cultural immersion and exploration of the new location.
Do you wish to travel to Nepal to volunteer with kids, family, a partner, or a friend? For parents wishing to take their children on meaningful family vacations, Volunteer Society Nepal is pleased to provide the most dependable and reasonably priced family volunteering tours. Volunteers from Volunteer World Nepal enrol in our programs with their loved ones, partners, or friends.
Working with children or volunteering abroad as a family allows you to spend quality time together while instilling the values of service, whether you are interested in construction and renovation, teaching in schools or monasteries, women's centres, child care, special needs, or any of the aforementioned activities.
Family Volunteering Highlights:
Group Volunteering
Teams have a great opportunity to have a significant social effect in developing and rising nations by participating in group volunteering in Nepal. It's best to volunteer with a group to develop your teamwork abilities. Group Small-group volunteering overseas will enhance your career and broaden your international job experience. In Nepal, group volunteering is the best way to come together for a worthwhile cause.
Group volunteering offers a unique experience to invest your time in teaching in schools, teaching in monasteries, child development programs, medical and health programs, women empowerment, disabled centres, community development, etc. It is appropriate for a youth organisation, coworkers, close friends, or family. Are you prepared to demonstrate to the world what you can do by working together? Take advantage of this chance to learn more about your new surroundings and to develop an entirely new relationship with each other. After your group's international volunteer experience, return a stronger person, confident that you accomplished something worthwhile, and ready to take on new challenges.
Group Volunteering entails giving your time to a cause that seeks to better a community's conditions through the provision of medical, educational, or humanitarian aid. Environmental conservation projects can also be part of volunteer work. You can volunteer together and support one of the myriad volunteer projects available throughout the world by doing this as a group. Whatever group you are a part of, whether it be your family, your coworkers, your sports team, or your friends, you can have an impact. Together, visit some of the most fascinating places on earth.
Group Volunteering Highlights:
Helix -HeliCulture, Culinary Delicacy & Health benefits Of Helix - - Eddible Snail), Eddible Crab ,Eddible Turtle Eddible Frog,Eddible Rice Fish ,Eddible Raw Spirulina ,Eddible Biofloc-Sea Food,Helix Farming - Heliculture
Health benefits Of Helix -
Helicultural Commodities ( Helix ) are found everywhere and whilst most gardeners dislike them, in Portugal instead of being a pest ,Ghungi(Eddible Snail ),Crab,Paha(Eddible Frog ) Eddible Rice Fish ,Raw Spriulina ,Shrubs Shrinks … are a culinary delicacy. Although repulsive to many people, Ghungi ,Crabs,Paha ,Sea Food are consumed all over the world and are a very healthy thing to eat. Roasted Crab shells found in archaeological excavations indicate humans have eaten them since prehistorical times and the Romans cultivated by feeding them special diets to improve their flavor. The species Theba Pisana, Otala Lactea and Helix Aspersa are the most consumed. They possess anti-cancer properties and boost the immune system due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects.
An average Helix is comprised of 80% water, 15% protein and 2.4% fat. They contain essential fatty acids,Omega-3, calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium and are a rich source of vitamins E, A, K and B12.
The latest trend is for snails’ eggs ‘Pearls of Aphrodite’, known as white caviar, retailing at around £1,600 per kilo. Mostly ‘farmed’ in Spain, the eggs are laid twice a year, collected with tweezers, washed, purified and sterilized before being lightly salted and tinned – this explains their high cost.
Did you know that Helix are also used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes?
The benefits of Helix slime were recognized in ancient Greece by Hippocrates who used it to heal skin and ulcers and to reduce scarring. More recently, Chilean farmers highlighted the benefits when they noticed cuts on their hands healed very quickly and their skin became softer. This is because the slime contains allantoin, antibiotics, glycolic acid, collagen and elastin, and so it heals and regenerates skin cells minimizing scars.
In 2013, Louis-Marie Guedon in France began to harvest slime and now plans to produce 15 tones a year to meet the increasing demand from cosmetic companies wishing to incorporate the slime in their skin care products.
In Tokyo, there is a spa where you pay to have snails slithering over your face as it makes skin softer and magical affect on skin shining and glow .This is Cosmetic Charismatic Helix So, how much do you know about the life of a Helix ?snail,Crab,Frog,Rice Fish ,Shrinks Raw Spirulina ,Biofloc ,Sea Food )?
Belonging to the mollusk family, sea snails lived 550 million years ago and land snails evolved 286 million years ago. There are now 43,000 snail species found in different habitats around the world. Their bodies have no bones and their shells are made of calcium carbonate with protein layers which harden over time.
Water snails have the most intricate patterns in red, orange and yellow whereas land snails use camouflage colors such as white, brown and grey to hide from their many predators.
Snails have a simple brain but are capable of associative learning and of forming long-term memories. They can lift up to 10 times their own body weight in a vertical position.
Did you know snails have over 14,000 teeth on their tongue, which is rough like a cat’s, and they can locate food a few metre away due to their extraordinary sense of smell? The larger set of tentacles is their eyes, although they are almost blind and the smaller set is their olfactory organs.
Snails are one of the slowest creatures on earth, moving along at 1.3cm a second. Mostly active at night or during the day if it rains, many species hibernate in winter or during severe droughts, by sealing their entrance with dried mucus called an epiphragm and then gluing themselves to something in a shady place. The largest land snail recorded was a giant African snail measuring 12 inches long and weighing nearly two pounds. They only live for around five years although some species can live up to 25 years, (except around here as they are collected and cooked long before they grow up).
Snails are hermaphrodites so they have both male and female reproductive organs, but they still need another snail in order to fertilize each other’s eggs or they take it in turns which sex to be! Mating occurs at the end of spring into early summer and 80-100 eggs are laid in the soil. Transparent baby snails hatch within two to four weeks and it takes up to three months for them to fully develop their adult colors. They are usually a mirror image of their parents and reach adult size and sexual maturity in two or three years.
Some snail species are considered as one of the most invasive species in the world. Typically, most gardeners try to exterminate snails using chemicals, however, a recent study has indicated that if you remove a snail 20 metre away, they will not return and it is therefore more ecologically friendly to collect and take them to some waste land. So, throwing snails over the fence into your neighbor garden will not work as they will come back!
Ghonghi, delicacy of Eddible snail ( Helix ) ...
One of the most common foods in the Tharu community of Nepal, Ghonghi is often catered as delicacy, just the way others serve chicken or mutton. Known as escargot in France, where it is served as a delicacy too, this species of snail is served with the ground linseed soup. Usually, this dish is eaten by sucking the snail from its shell and is available all over the market place in Terai where the Tharu community resides.
Although the look of the dish keeps many away from this dish, it is liked by most of the Tharu people, also some others, for a long time now. Although it is similar to the French escargot, there are many differences between these two which can be clearly seen. While the French culinary is fabulous without needing you to suck the snail out of its shell, the dish in Terai is not like that. Nevertheless, despite of how it looks like or how you eat it, for the Terai people, it is nothing less than what escargot is for French.
This highly nutritious delicacy (a water snail has 57.5 percent protein and an apple snail has the protein value of 72.9 percent) might have been as popular as mo:mo or chowmein, had there been difference or changes in the recipe. The best time for ghonghi is during the paddy season when rice is planted. During this time, the women and children are often found busy collecting snails from water sources which are then left overnight in a vessel to get rid of the soil and waste inside the snail shells. The next morning they cut the tail which makes it easier to suck the meat out of the shell when it is cooked.
For eating, these snails are boiled and cooked in the way other curries are cooked, however, the most essential part adding the ground linseed which gives consistency to the gravy as well as enhances the taste. The ghonghi is served with rice and this combination, for indigenous people in Terai, had been a staple food for ages now.
There is a belief that this meat provides the immunity power to the indigenous people to fight against malaria when they were the only inhabitants in the densely forested Terai. Also, the old people who had broken bones problem were advised to eat ghonghi as the Tharus believed that the snails build stronger bones. It is also said to clear the bowel movement and keep the eater healthy and was offered to pregnant women as protein supplement. However, the superstitious believers in Terai also considers snails as witch’s weapon and it is said that if you eat a snail smeared with vermilion, you will die within the time fixed by the witch. Mostly, the snail is popular among the poor people as it is cheap and easily found source of protein. It is also gaining popularity among others besides the Tharu, Rajbanshi, Santhal, Jhangad, Bote, Musahar, Madhesi ,etc., however, its harvest from the water sources has led this varieties closer to extinct. Nevertheless, this delicacy has been gaining immense popularity among the people belonging to other communities as well, besides its traditional eaters.
PAHA - पाहा - Eddible Frog
A-One large frog leg, fried, has about 70 calories, 4.3 grams of protein, 4.8 grams of fat, 4.6 milligrams of calcium, 38.4 milligrams of phosphorus, 2 grams of carbohydrate and no sodium. There are also some trace amounts of iron and B vitamins. There is an old wives` tale, which may or may not have merit, that frog legs are good for the skin. Alexandre Dumas, in ''Dumas on Food,'' a book written in the last century, said: ''Frogs are prepared in several ways, mostly in soups which are very health-giving and which are even used by some women to maintain the freshness of the complexion.'' Anyone who is fond of frog legs and who does not get the legs from a private source-that is, a frogger-had and better store up now because these delicacies will soon be scarce. Most of the frog legs consumed in the U.S. come from Bangladesh,
Top 6 micronutrients -
French style frog legs - Vitamins, minerals fibre or omega 3 The RDA/RI's below are based on your profile and are per portion. Vitamin K 41.31µg - which is 40% of your RDA/RI 40% Essential for blood clotting and plays a key role in your bone health Vitamin A -300.98µg - which is 38% of your RDA/RI 38% Contributes to your vision, immune system, absorption of iron (for energy creation) and has a role in cell 'specialization' Phosphorus -234.4mg - which is 34% of your RDA/RI 34% Contributes to the normal function of all your cells, your energy creation, helps maintain the health of your bones and teeth and promotes the normal growth of children Riboflavin (B2) 0.33mg - which is 26% of your RDA/RI 26% Contributes to your energy creation, blood health, normal vision, cell protection and to reducing tiredness and fatigue Copper -0.34mg - which is 25% of your RDA/RI 25% Protects your cells from damaging free radicals and contributes to your energy creation, immune system and nervous system Selenium -17.31µg - which is 25% of your RDA/RI 25% Contributes to protecting your cells from damaging free radicals, supports your immune system and contributes to normal thyroid function Top 2 phytochemicals Myricetin -0.7mg - which is 47% of your CYF recommendation 47% May protect our cells from damage & may offer protection from cancer and diabetes Lutein and zeaxanthin -398.59µg - which is 20% of your CYF recommendation 20% May protect our eyes from damage and degeneration and contribute to our ability to use skills and memory into old age
TASTY RIVER FROG " Paha ( पाहा ) " COOKING Toad Hunting into the Thick Forest of Himalayan RIVER in Nepal
गङगटा - Crab -
Local Fish - धान माछा /Muddy Fish & Helix
Spirulina Is Extremely High in Many Nutrients-
Spirulina is an organism that grows in both fresh and salt water. It is a type of cyanobacteria, which is a family of single-celled microbes that are often referred to as blue-green algae. Just like plants, cyanobacteria can produce energy from sunlight via a process called photosynthesis. Spirulina was consumed by the ancient Aztecs but became popular again when NASA proposed that it could be grown in space for use by astronauts A standard daily dose of spirulina is 1–3 grams, but doses of up to 10 grams per day have been used effectively. This tiny alga is packed with nutrients. A single tablespoon (7 grams) of dried spirulina powder contains -
In addition, the same amount holds only 20 calories and 1.7 grams of digestible carbs.
Gram for gram, spirulina may be the single most nutritious food on the planet. A tablespoon (7 grams) of spirulina provides a small amount of fat — around 1 gram — including both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in an approximately 1.5–1.0 ratio. The quality of the protein in spirulina is considered excellent — comparable to eggs. It gives all the essential amino acids that you need.
It is often claimed that spirulina contains vitamin B12, but this is false. It has pseudovitamin B12, which has not been shown to be effective in humans. SUMMARY -Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that grows in both salt and fresh water. It may be one of the most nutrient-dense foods on earth.
Health Benefits of Spirulina -
# Family farmers are the agents of change we need to achieve Zero Hunger
# Concept of Family Farming -
Family Farming (including all family-based agricultural activities) is a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquaculture production that is managed and operated by a family, and is predominantly reliant on the family labour of both women and men. The family and the farm are linked, co-evolve and combine economic, environmental, social and cultural functions. "With the launch of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028), FAO and IFAD reiterate our determination and commitment to support concerted actions to fullfill the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to step up interventions for a healthy, resilient and sustainable food system."
Let us put family farming at the center to lead this transformation for this decade and beyond.
Family farmers play a critical role in making agri-food systems more inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and effective. According to the FAO (2014), family farming employs 30% of the global workforce and accounts for over 80% of global food production. They also serve as custodians of biodiversity, landscapes, and cultural heritage. According to Lowder, Sánchez, and Bertini (2019), there are more than 600 million family farms in the globe today, with more than 98 percent of them occupying less than 20 hectares (HLPE, 2013).
Family farmers are among those most impacted by poverty and vulnerability, despite playing a crucial role in reforming agri-food systems to feed the globe sustainably (FAO, 2020). Family farmers, particularly small-scale food producers, women, youth, Indigenous Peoples, and ethnic minorities, are among those who face the highest levels of economic, financial, social, and environmental risks. More than 75% of the world's poorest people reside in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihood (FAO and IFAD, 2019a). More than 2.3 billion people won't have year-round access to enough food in 2021, and with the global new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic contributing to this five-year jump in only one year, the need to act is more urgent than ever yet more than 3 billion adults and children lack access to a healthy diet, mostly because it is too expensive. According to projected trends, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 will likely be missed by almost 660 million people, 30 million of whom will be directly impacted by the pandemic's long-lasting consequences (FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO, 2021).
Family farming is a dominant practice of food production in Nepal. Around 70 percent (3 831 093) of households are involved (directly or indirectly) in family farming (Kaini, 2016). Most of the farmers of Nepal are smallholder farmers with 52.7 percent households having less than 0.5 hectare of land holding (CBS, 2011) and about 70 percent of landholdings is less than 1.0 ha size. Until the 1980s, over 90 percent of the total farming population depended on family farms for their livelihood and agriculture contributed 75 percent of national GDP. Although the current share of GDP from agriculture has reduced to 27 percent (MoF, 2019), the proportion of the family farming to total agriculture is about the same as the previous decade (Kaini, 2016).
Hence ,It is obvious that we all together must do a bit to contribute to promote Family farming worldwide .Nepal Volunteers’ Family Farmers Exchange Program is wonderful Program which brings Family Farmers together in Nepal and learn share exchange skills experiences from each other and at the same time Volunteers can experience Nepal culture ,adventure ,Nature ,Festivale ,Farming Practices and the following extra activities of choices -
In Nepal, the agricultural sector employs over 66% of the total population. It significantly contributes to the national economy and accounts for one-third of the country's GDP. It generates a wide variety of employment opportunities, from farming to small-scale businesses. In addition to frequent natural disasters such floods, droughts, landslides, earthquakes, illnesses, and insect outbreaks, Nepal is also vulnerable to food insecurity. Family farming continues to dominate the nation's agriculture sector, which has contributed in conservation of indigenous and local landrace Plant and animal genetic resources (PnGR and AnGR). Nepal position 2nd in water resources and has a huge diversity in geography,vegetation,inhabitants,etc.
Although having high possibility ,these resources are not capitalized in proper manner by small holder family farmers .Thus Family farmers are seeking knowledge and information regarding proper technology in production , conservation and proper utilization of aquaculture, fisheries,heliculture,insect farming , animal and birds through running different projects .
proper utilization of aquaculture, fisheries,heliculture,insect farming , animal and birds through running different projects . Thus your expertise will contribute in conservation of Ecology and sustainability of small holder family farmers .We are inviting Volunteers & Interns to get involved in our various Agricultural Projects such as You can contribute with your, knowledge in any of our project. During Volunteering, you will have opportunity to experience Nepalese local culture, languages, local food and our Nepalese agricultural practice.
Family farmers play a critical role in making agri-food systems more inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and effective. According to the FAO (2014), family farming employs 30% of the global workforce and accounts for over 80% of global food production. They also serve as custodians of biodiversity, landscapes, and cultural heritage. According to Lowder, Sánchez, and Bertini (2019), there are more than 600 million family farms in the globe today, with more than 98 percent of them occupying less than 20 hectares (HLPE, 2013).
Family farmers are among those most impacted by poverty and vulnerability, despite playing a crucial role in reforming agri-food systems to feed the globe sustainably (FAO, 2020). Family farmers, particularly small-scale food producers, women, youth, Indigenous Peoples, and ethnic minorities, are among those who face the highest levels of economic, financial, social, and environmental risks. More than 75% of the world's poorest people reside in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihood (FAO and IFAD, 2019a). More than 2.3 billion people won't have year-round access to enough food in 2021, and with the global new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic contributing to this five-year jump in only one year, the need to act is more urgent than ever yet more than 3 billion adults and children lack access to a healthy diet, mostly because it is too expensive. According to projected trends, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 will likely be missed by almost 660 million people, 30 million of whom will be directly impacted by the pandemic's long-lasting consequences (FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO, 2021).
Family farming is a dominant practice of food production in Nepal. Around 70 percent (3 831 093) of households are involved (directly or indirectly) in family farming (Kaini, 2016). Most of the farmers of Nepal are smallholder farmers with 52.7 percent households having less than 0.5 hectare of land holding (CBS, 2011) and about 70 percent of landholdings is less than 1.0 ha size. Until the 1980s, over 90 percent of the total farming population depended on family farms for their livelihood and agriculture contributed 75 percent of national GDP. Although the current share of GDP from agriculture has reduced to 27 percent (MoF, 2019), the proportion of the family farming to total agriculture is about the same as the previous decade (Kaini, 2016).
While you volunteer with Nepal Volunteers, you will be staying with a Nepali host family. By living with a family you will gain a greater insight and understanding of Nepali culture. You will be part of a Nepali family, eat together with the family and play with the children. Many volunteers tell us this unique insight into the culture of Nepal is a key part of why they come back again and again.
The standard of lodging will depend on whether you are in a rural or urban area. In a rural area the facilities will be basic with minimal running water and a squat toilet. In an urban placement you will have a flushing Western style toilet and a shower. All of your food will be provided for you at your home stay and you will never be more than 30 minutes from your place of work. For more information on what to expect in a home stay have a look at our food and accommodation page.
All our host families have conducted training regarding hosting volunteers adequately. They know how to ensure hygiene and provide security. They will treat you as a member of the family.
When you arrive on placement you will be introduced to your host family by the Nepal Volunteers representative and given a full tour of the premises. Many of our host families have children and many of our volunteers enjoy helping them with their English, learning to cook Nepali food and mixing in with their life. The other way around, we experience volunteers learning a lot from the hosts and children regarding life in Nepal. At the host families you will stay with fellow volunteers. It is always possible to stay as a couple or group of friends in one host family. You should consider the host family as your temporary family in Nepal. They can help you regarding how to discover the neighbourhood, advice on travels and offer you warmth in times of homesickness.
You should not expect luxury on your stay in Nepal. Nepal is a developing country and may well be different from what you are used to at home. However, you will have your own room unless requested otherwise, and the rooms are always clean and comfortable. The quality of toilet and washing facilities vary significantly between placements. If you are based in Kathmandu you may find you have a hot shower and a Western style toilet in your homestay. However, if you are in a rural placement then it is more likely that you will have a traditional squat toilet and a cold shower. If you feel like having a hot shower and flushing the toilet is a priority then make this clear when you are applying and we will see if it is possible to find you one of our better equipped host families.
The electricity supply in all areas is good, but sometimes there is a power cut which can last up to 5 hours. In the cities some houses have backup batteries that will run low power bulbs in key rooms, but in the rural areas you can expect to use candles. A head-torch is a very useful thing to bring.
On placement you will usually eat with the family and share the same food as them. At least two meals a day are provided for you while volunteering. The usual meal times are between 9 and 10 AM and 6 and 8 PM. You will usually be served the national staple of Dal Bhat Tarkari which is a tasty and filling plate of rice, vegetable curry, lentils and pickles. It may occasionally have meat such as chicken or mutton in it, although if you are vegetarian this can easily be explained. This may be supplemented occasionally by noodles, eggs and other snacks dependent on your host family and placement
Your host family will provide you with clean drinking water on your placement.
The Placement Is Available At The Following Beautiful Places as well as all across Nepal
Kathmandu Valley
The Kathmandu Valley lies at the crossroads of ancient civilizations of Asia, and has at least 130 important monuments, including several places of pilgrimage for the Hindus and Buddhists. The cities of Kathmandu, Patan, Bhaktapur, Kirtipur and Chobhar are located in this valley, and each displays excellent examples of Newar art and architecture. The valley is the cultural and political hub of Nepal, but this melting pot of traditions and different Nepali
Himalayan Region- Baglung ,Dhorpatan ,Pokhara ,Kaligandaki ,Parbat Kushma Myagdi Beni , Mustang ,Manag ,Muktinath ,and so on ….
you can teach in Schools, teach English in a monastery, work in a Health Clinic or work in Construction.Volunteer at Community Health Post ,Community Forest ,Community Farm ,Family Farm. It is everything you would imagine from the mountain region: beautiful landscapes, hillsides dotted with villages, a lively weekend bazaar, a Tibetan camp, and many spectacular Buddhist monasteries. Recently a road has been connected and regular jeep services operate from Kathmandu, taking about 10 hours.
Accommodation & food are in simple lodgings at the local host family with a shared bathroom, squat toilet, but will have running water. There is now also basic internet in the town too.
Pokhara and Kaskikot
Pokhara valley is located at the very center of Nepal and is dominated by the peaks of the Annapurna mountain range. The town of Pokhara (913 metres), is only fifty kilometres from Annapurna 1 (8,091 metres), and the sharp decline of six thousand metres within the short distance of only twenty-nine kilometres gives the region. It is famous for the peaceful Phewa Lake and the magnificent
Why pay for volunteering?
You probably asked yourself on occasion. Why pay for volunteering? After all…you’re offering your services free of charge… and on top of that you have to pay? How ridiculous is that?? The question one should ask though is: “what is it I’m paying for?” In the following points, we will shed light on this question, and hopefully will have answered any misconceptions many people have on volunteering. As a potential intern/volunteer you need to understand that below is a list of reasons why a program fee is required.
1. Airport Pickup & Transfer
After travelling halfway around the world to a country you’ve never visited, there should be someone who will greet you at the airport who then grabs your bag and whisks you away in a car. When it comes time to leave, you have someone willing to help you lug your bags back to the airport and see you off.
2. Logistics
The most difficult part of picking up your life and plopping down in another country is all the logistics involved. From finding a place to live to obtaining the perfect volunteer placement, the details are much easier to accomplish when you have a local there to guide you or take care of it for you — who, obviously, needs an income. Additionally, we have our own project developed to place our volunteers and have also developed relationships with many schools, hospitals, and orphanages in every part of Nepal where we can get you to the placement there.
3. Language and Orientation
As a volunteer, you can be very useful. However it takes time to understand not only your role but how your placement organisation works as well as local cultural practices and etiquette, which is why orientation and training are a crucial part of any responsible volunteer program. The orientation will include language training or cultural orientation by our staff. The fees paid by you will help us to develop our training programs and hire quality individuals to run them.
4. Food & Accommodation
We charge a fee not only to set up your accommodation but also include the cost of living in your program fee. The program we arrange at a homestay, you will have your meals cooked for you by the host family, in which case you would be charged in advance.
5. In-Country Assistance
Perhaps the volunteer placement isn’t all you hoped it would be. Or you need help sorting out a banking issue, renewing a visa, or tracking down a doctor who speaks English. Having associated with an organisation in-country to help with issues that inevitably arise can be invaluable, especially if you aren’t fluent in the local language. We know which doctors to visit when you’re sick, where the best place to buy a bus ticket is, how to avoid being scammed, and so much more! Plus we are around to help at all hours of the day, so if an emergency happens on a weekend or in the night, we are always available for you to call. We also keep in touch with family members if the unlikely happens and you need to be evacuated from the country or fall seriously ill. For those with worrying parents the peace of mind might be worth the money!.
6. Programmatic Support & Continuity
We charge a fee not only to set up your accommodation but also include the cost of living in your program fee. The program we arrange at a homestay, you will have your meals cooked for you by the host family, in which case you would be charged in advance.
7. Trips and Excursions
We offer you to choose trips for you a wide range of volunteering, trekking, tour, rafting, peak climbing, jungle safari, home stays program including tours to Tibet and India to experience the unique beauty of the Himalayas region, to enjoy the customs and food of the diverse people who call Nepal home; to be awed by the mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, jungle and ancient cities and to have the journey of a lifetime, this is a great way to see the country without being responsible for the logistics. Plus it means you will have the opportunity to better acquaint yourself with your fellow volunteers and local staff. Note: In some cases, you may work directly for the organisation in need of volunteers and there may be volunteering programs with little fee. These organisations may be local or international, and their process for applying generally differs from our organisation as it will be more tailored to their requirements and needs and less so on those of the volunteers. But, be aware that they usually are unable or unwilling to provide above mentioned logistics and support like arranging housing, orientation, sight -seeing, language classes, visa Assistance, 24/7 support and social and Cultural activities etc.
For Detail contact us
Nepal is one of the most beautiful, culturally rich and welcoming country in the world. Nepal is very rich in diversity where temperature and culture differs every minutes of distance. It is home to Mount Everest, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, and an astonishingly beautiful and diverse landscape, ranging from the well-known peaks of the Himalaya to the low-lying regions of the Terai-Madesh. Nepali people are as diverse as the geography, with over 70 languages or dialects and scores of traditional festivals celebrated throughout the year.
However, Nepal is among the poorest and least developed countries in the world with low rates of literacy, high rates of poverty and a persistent gender imbalance. The government is frequently unable to provide adequate education and health facilities throughout the country and both urban and rural areas are forced to live without necessary resources to promote growth and development of their communities:
Why we are hiring Volunteers & Interns?
Our Vision , mission , Goal ,Core Objectives are to help local farmers, youth entrepreneur, women ,grassroots people, reduce poverty ,contribute to environment climate change, waste management ,education ,Public Health, employment, Technology ,Innovation ,Research ,Capacity building ,Marketing , Promotion ,Digitalization ,Sustainability , and our finding is that their main challenges are marketing , promotion ,branding & Visualization , Also ,Our Local Nepalese youths Students dream to learn these special skills by considering our Volunteers & Interns as their Mentors by learning by doing & Learning by Making Mistakes Method " . We welcome international Volunteers & Interns to participate in these projects so that Our Local Youths and International Volunteers will make a big team and learn from each other’s.
Qualification : Any level of Degree or Education is fine but the Volunteers should have interest and desire to learn and teach in a Team Work
Description: An online Orientation shall be provided through which we will be able to explain you the
specific job description:Please do not worry! As we believe in Learning by doing & Learning by making Mistakes, Learning by Mentorship as well as Learning by Sharing.
Fresher & Learners!:If you are highly self-motivated with will power to take the challenge and learning by making mistakes and Learning by Doing then you can choose our Volunteer or Internship option for any role of your interest . Please contact us for further details about volunteer & Internship with us.
Working Hours:This Position requires the flexible working hours so no hard rules applies. This is a Team work too so everyone shall have to remain happy with flexible and extra working hours and consider the work not as the work but Work as the Fun!
When to Start? Always Ongoing
Working Stations /Location: Our Main office is in Kathmandu and Lalitpur Sanaa ,however we have our branches working stations in all 77 districts of Nepal .Generally the working station will be at Kathmandu or anywhere Volunteers prefer to be placed.
Once you arrive we organise an introduction for you. We deem this to be highly valuable and it’s a program valued by many volunteers in the past. By means of an introduction you can acclimatise and prepare for your volunteering. You can begin your project rested and prepared. In this way you can be really effective. Arriving to work in a foreign country can be a nerve-wracking experience, this is why at Nepal Volunteers, we provide a friendly and in-depth welcome. The in-depth welcome encompasses basic language training, cultural training and sightseeing through Kathmandu and surrounding. This is what you can expect from the moment when you touch down at Tribhuvan Intl. Airport. The program may vary depending on your time of arrival. We will manage to include all below mentioned activities in your introduction program.
Day 1 Arrival & Introduction
You will be received & welcomed at the airport by our staff & you will be taken to either Nepal Volunteers office or a hotel in Kathmandu for recovering from the Jet-lag . Here you can drop your bags and relax.The Nepal Volunteers director & and team will come to meet you to clarify your program for the first days. Depending on when you arrive, you will begin Nepali language class or a sightseeing tour of some of the world heritage sights of the Kathmandu valley. In the evening you will enjoy your first Nepali dinner.
Day 2: Nepali lessons and local amenities and sightseeing
After a leisurely start and breakfast, so you can recover properly from your journey, you will start your Nepali language course at the Nepal Volunteers office. After meeting the entire team you will have 2 lessons from around 10.30 to 12.45 with our highly experienced language teachers. This will also give you a chance to meet any other volunteers joining at the same time. In the afternoon, one of our staff will take you round the local area where the office and homestays are for the induction period. Later that afternoon, you will be driven round being shown where all relevant amenities are: the nearest bank, shopping centre, internet café, food shops, post office. You will also be shown the local buses that can take you to Kathmandu or to Bhaktapur and also where you can catch a taxi. You will also be told where to keep your valuables and general information about life in Nepal. In the end of the afternoon, you will be driven with our guide to see some of Kathmandu’s famous UNESCO world heritage sites. One of our Guide, has years of experience taking foreigners round the ancient city and can answer any questions you have on ancient and contemporary Nepal. During your introduction, you can visit the famous Buddhist Boudanath and Swayambhunath stupas as well as the Hindu temple complex of Pashupatinath. The Durbar squares on Patan and Kathmandu are also essential visits. If you have other sites you are particularly interested in then this may be integrated as well.
Day 3: Nepali lessons and Nepal Volunteers projects
In the morning we will continue the Nepali language training. Be aware we are aiming for a basic understanding. For example to say ‘yes and no’ and to introduce yourself. We do not expect you to speak the language fluently after the training. After the lesson, you are driven round some of Our projects in the Kathmandu Valley. This may include our women Group, our orphanage in, or a visit to the village where you will see environmental projects as well as Family FarmersYouth Entrepreneurs. In the afternoon, you can do more sightseeing with our guide in Kathmandu, or if you desire to take some time for yourself that’s even so possible. This afternoon, it’s also a good opportunity to stock up with anything you may have forgotten before heading up to a rural placement. The tourist hub of Thamel will be able to furnish you with anything from Marmite to an extra pair of Merino socks.
Day 4: Introduction Host Family and Start Project
After about two days of language classes and sightseeing, you will be moved to the host family. They will be fully trained about hosting volunteers and you won’t be left in the dark about anything: toilets, drinking water, bedding, how to work the shower, where to buy anything you need nearby, basic etiquette. If you want an early night then that is fine, but you will also be given the opportunity to ring home or send emails from the Nepal Volunteers office so any parents or loved ones won’t be worrying about you. It’s possible we already start this day at your project. If time appears to be short, we will start the next day in the morning. Our director will discuss and finalise your program at arrival so you know what to expect the first days in Nepal.